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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mothers and sickness

Those 2 words can NEVER go together. Moms can never be sick, because we can't take off work to rest and get better. I got sick on Sun. which was not a day of rest. I had the kids to get ready myself while Mike went home teaching. We drove 2 cars to church, It was ward conference so I had a meeting during Sunday School, then another after church. Then for a quick meal before going into A.C. Moore for a mandatory 3 hr. meeting! So yesterday instead of spending the day in bed which is what I wanted to do, I taught 2 fitness classes, lunch, tried for naps, cleaned up the house because a roofer was supposed to come over (who never did!), then frantically looked all over for a missing doc. I needed for our home loan so that we can move in on the 31st. I found it at 3:45, so I loaded up the kids, got Hayden and drove the paperwork over to his office. We came home so I could make dinner, have home evening and play with the kids while Mike went to PTO meeting. After putting Serena to bed I layed down on the couch, and that's when she started yelling she needed to go to the potty (yes, she's potty training right now!). By 9pm I collapsed on the couch crying because I was so exhausted. I wish moms could take a day off work!


Jamie said...

Oh Ang, I'm so sorry! I hope your March isn't as stressful as Feb was for me, but I know how stressful moving/packing/functioning with daily life can be! Please let me know how I can help!
(And sometimes having a good cry somehow makes it seem better.)

We Three Queens said...

I'm with you.