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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vision becomes reality

I have been scrapbooking for seven years now, and ever since I started I wanted a place to call my own. I've made several attempts to have an organized scrapbook space, beginning with our newlywed apartment in Utah. (It was just a desk that sat in the living room and was always messy.) Now I have a house where everything has it's own place (except toys everywhere!), including my very own scrapbook space! For anyone who is an avid scrapbooker, this is a dream come true. For years I looked in scrapbook magazines and envied the women who showed off their beautiful rooms so well organized. Now my vision has become a reality.
The vinyl lettering on the wall says "We do not remember days, we remember moments." There are still some things that need to be finished, but almost everything has a place and I can find it quickly. This room has become Mike's and my refuge at night when the kids are in bed. Mike will sit at the computer and work on college stuff (the black chair to the right), while I'm at my desk.
I was going to put up the chair rail by myself, but that was a job too big to tackle on my own, so Mike ended up doing most of it. But I did get to use the saw-it's so fun!
There is one corner in the room that has weird angles, and it took Mike a while to figure it out, but he got the perfect cut. I'm so proud of him!! This is the corner.
Another project completed this week was getting me a new kitchen faucet. When we first moved here that was something I wanted to replace. It only took 4 1/2 yrs.! When we redo the whole kitchen I'm scared to know how long that will take!!!! Jamie just spent about a month in chaos while they redid theirs, but now they can enjoy the fruits of their labors.

No more drip!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Is this the same week?

This was on Wed. when the temperature was up in the 70's.
(Connor is sitting with Gannon, the boy I babysit. Which one is older? Gannon is actually a few pounds heavier than Connor, yet he is 9 months younger!)
The crocuses are up-spring is here!
But wait, mother nature had a cruel joke to play on us. This weekend was our third and final attempt to travel to NY to visit Mike's mom before she travels to California for a few months. This was the weather on Friday.
I'm not sure what the final tally was - maybe about 7 or 8 inches. I guess it snowed heavily one more time so that Hayden could build a snow castle with Daddy.
Saturday was, as you know, St. Patrick's Day. Well, the leprechauns came and trashed our house! But at least they left gold chocolates. That happened to Hayden at preschool on Thurs. and he couldn't stop talking about it. So we decided to have the leprecauns visit here too. He was so excited. Then Mommy made special pancakes for breakfast.
Connor thought it looked better in his hair than in his mouth.
Today we went to my parents house for dinner and Hayden and Pap played outside for a while.
They built a leprecaun in the snow and Hayden put a pot of gold beside him.
Pap built an igloo for Hayden. It was actually warm inside! (Although Hayden just said he couldn't here the wind anymore!)

Homemade apple pie anyone?! I'm really on a big cooking kick lately. I am addicted to Food network. My DVR is full of episodes to watch. I've also gotten very interested in nutrition the past year or so. I think I would like to do my graduate work in that field and hopefully work with children. But if I only go to school to learn for the benefit of my own family and friends, it will be worth it.