My slide show

Friday, June 26, 2009

Serena is 18 months old

My baby is growing! She is in nursery at church now and I miss her! I love the age she is at now though. She does the funniest,cutest things, she is learning so quickly and understands so much. I'm trying to get some good video of her that I can post. The only thing that's not cute is when she screams, either because she is frustrated because she can't get her way, or because she doesn't have something to eat. Seriously, she eats ALL THE TIME! If I didn't know better I would worry about her eating habits later in life, but I know it won't last.
I bought her a set of princess figurines to play with since I realized she doesn't have many girl toys to play with! She loves playing trucks with Connor. Now her princesses can ride in the back of the truck!
I love you Serena!

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