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Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Mom and sleeping

I have no newborn anymore, usually I get a good night's sleep. Tonight after dinner with my parents, we bathed the kids and put them to bed around 8:30. I was really exhausted for some reason and collapsed on the bed around 9pm. About 15 min. later Serena woke me up, I'm not sure why. After a cup of milk and playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed for a little, she went back to sleep, as did I. Except that my mom called at 9:45 (15 min. later) to ask me about laundry. We didn't talk long. By then I was awake and decided to take the opportunity to blog for a little. While finishing up my last entry and getting ready for bed...again, Connor wakes up crying. Now it's 11:15 and I am hoping to finally get to bed.


Cheri said...

That's right up there with the Sunday afternoon naps I used to take. As soon as you fell asleep, someone would scream, or knock on the door, or stomp down the steps... and wake me up.. how frustrating!! Hang in there!

Jamie said...

I hope Connor resolves his sleeping issues soon!