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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Potty Training!

I hadn't planned on starting quite yet, but since last week when Connor kept taking his diaper off, I thought "maybe I should just let him run around in the buff and bring the potty downstairs." Well, miraculously, it has been working like a charm! We started with the nakedness last Fri., and whenever we are at home, he runs to the potty to pee! I tried making him sit on it every hour or so, and of course he doesn't like that because he's not in control. But he can sense the urge to go and runs over on his own!
Sat. I took him to Target and let him pick out his own big boy underwear. He has been doing so well I think we will take him someplace special to celebrate.
We haven't mastered the pooping yet, but I am just thrilled at how it is going so far! The only thing I hate is when we start to go places and have to find a bathroom quick or have an accident.
Hayden has been a big helper. He's telling Connor to squeeze it out! He also had all the necessary precautions-plastic bags, Clorox wipes, diaper wipes, newspaper on the floor! It's like we're breaking in a puppy!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

cute! You are so lucky that he is being so cooperative. I wish it were that easy with my boys. =D
What is up with Hayden's "cheeser cheeser" smile in that picture on the steps? It totally cracked me up.