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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hide and Seek

Daddy was at college tonight so the boys and I played hide and seek. Connor didn't understand enough to hide by himself, but he loved going with Hayden or I to find the other. As soon as we found him/her, he would squeal with delight and go to do it again. It's a lot of fun when we can find games to play together. I love that Connor understands so much of what we say. Our local PBS station just started airing "Signing Time," a show for kids to learn simple sign language. Connor knew some of them already, but he learned words like sleep, want, and milk. Hayden found it interesting too. I think it would be neat to speak in sign language.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That is so cute that you guys played Hide and Seek. We'll have to try that some time.
I saw on the schedule that Signing Time will be on at 6AM instead of 7AM this Sunday. Isn't it such a great show?