My slide show

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pay It Forward

It's kind of like the movie...but better because you get to ACTUALLY be involved!!The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice--for you! This offer does have some restrictions and limitations: 1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make! (I can only hope) 2. What I create will be just for you. 3. It WILL be done this year. 4. You have no clue what it’s going to be … it may be cards, a bookmark, something delicious or a complete surprise to you (and me!) … who knows? 5. Most importantly, you must offer the same deal on your blog - the first 5 people to comment on your blog get something made by YOU!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

OK, looks like I am #1 on your list!! You can get on mine if you like!! We can all just make stuff for each other! I miss you... cute picture of your family, by the way.