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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bad news for running

I still need to write about a couple other summer events like Hayden taking traning wheels off his bike, Hersheypark, and the beach, but I had to write today because of the bad news Mike received from the doctor. Thankfully it's not cancer this time, but he has degenerative arthritis in both of his hips, so he can't run long distances anymore. That means he will never get to fulfill his lifelong dream of running the Boston Marathon. And long distance running is his first passion (like scrapbooking for me), and that is being taken away from him. He has worked so hard for so many years-it's just not fair. He is such a GOOD guy, never does anything wrong, and he gets hit with cancer, now this. I want to take his burden from him. Why could it not have happened to me instead, I don't run anyway!

So to try and turn this around, I told him he should do a triathalon. He has been working on his swimming technique lately, and he can go forever on a bike. We'll have to see how it goes.


Heather said...

Oh my gosh! That's just awful! I am really sorry for your loss mike, I know how disappointing it can be to have something like that taken away. I am sure heavenly father will comfort you. Its happening for a reason even though its hard to remember that sometimes.

Jessa said...

Wow, I didn't know Mike had cancer! What happened?? That is so sad about the running. I think the triathalon is a great idea, good luck to him!

Kelly said...

This really bums me out. Mike is such an awesome guy and deserves only the best. I think a triathalon would be a great idea- we'll certainly be cheering him on!!!

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY can relate to how bad it feels to be told that you can no longer do something that you love to do. I had to switch to triathlon training too and I actually really like switching up the training. Check out the YMCA Shrewsbury triathlon at the end of this month. I also have lots of web sites for training and other triathlon races in the area. I'll have to email them all to you. Has Mike got a second opinion yet?

Jamie said...

Oh no, that is crummy news. We wish the best for Mike. We know thar he will be an awesome triathlete. :-)