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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Veggie Garden

So far this year my garden seems to be doing quite well. The nice weather plays a large roll in that, and I just love gardening. There's just something revitalizing about working in the dirt and nurturing plants that will produce delicious food to eat. It has been my 2nd baby this year. Up until now I have been able to keep on top of the weeds. I'm a little nervous to leave it for 2 and a half weeks, but I have people watching it for me. Our peasThe one problem was a very brave bunny that liked my immature tomato and pepper plants. So one night while I was at work, the boys constructed this fence. They even put in a door which is one of the old screens from their bedroom window that we replaced. Hayden thought to hang their watering cans on the one post, and his shovel on the other side. Although the lighting on Mike's face is not good, I still like this pic of him. This is a fun pic of Hayden and Daddy feeding the fish.

1 comment:

We Three Queens said...

Mike says I can raid the garden (especially the lettuce) while you're gone. I intend to do so. Nothing better than fresh grown veggies.