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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My boys

I haven't forgotten about my other children. They are still amazing. Hayden has been doing some cool things lately. First of all, he is just so excited about reading, writing and spelling. He works on it all day long. He just had an assessment with his teacher and he was advanced. I don't think we could have said that about him in the summer. He loves reading chapter books and is getting interested in classics like Peter Pan and Swiss Family Robinson. He likes playing with pirates right now too. And he is amazing at crafts. I will include a picture later of a train he made out of cardboard boxes-complete with a fire escape, coal, a chimney and smoke coming out, and a place for the worker to climb out of the train to collect more coal. Connor is very cute and is smart, just still not talking yet. I will meet with a person from Early Intervention tomorrow to talk about a speech therapist. I know he could talk if he wanted to, he's just being a skunk! I'm hoping we can start on the potty training soon too. This whole two kids in diapers thing is for the birds! They are both still in love with their little sister and are willing to help me out with her all the time. Connor has his moments, but whose to say if it is jealousy or just being two! Most of the time they do a good job playing together.


Mrs_Rogers said...

You realize you're going to have to change the name of your blog now!! ;)

Jamie said...

Isn't it wierd how crazy and wonderful like can be with three kids?
Oh yeah, what are you thinking of renaming your blog?